As a fee-only investment advisory firm, Ashford Investment Advisors is available to help provide fiduciary perspective on employer-sponsored retirement plans or for individual investment objectives.

Investment Management

Ashford Investment Advisors works with employer-sponsored plans as well as individuals to:

  • Determine investment objectives
  • Measure risk tolerance
  • Match objectives with risk
  • Design and manage asset allocation strategy, and
  • Rebalance asset classes to best risk/reward level

Performance Evaluation

We provide independent performance evaluations based on the following criteria:

  • Diversification
  • Investment Policy Statement
  • Portfolio risk
  • Asset Allocation strategy
  • Sharpe Ratio calculation
  • Benchmark selection and comparison
  • Total Return vs. Standard Deviation

Manager Selection

Ashford Investment Advisors has been evaluating and selecting portfolio managers for individual and institutional clients for the past forty years. We have developed a manager selection process that has produced excellent results and is based on the following:

  • Return achieved vs. amount of risk taken
  • Total return by asset class
  • Fees charged
  • Manager’s rank in category
  • Alpha or excess returns achieved over appropriate benchmark
  • Manager’s ability to adhere to his stated discipline.

Contact us to learn more today!